28-Days-to-Lean Meal Plan
With the right plan and the right discipline, you can get seriously shredded in just 28 days.
Read articleWith the right plan and the right discipline, you can get seriously shredded in just 28 days.
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Read articleBuilding a strong chest is vital to any fitness routine, especially if you’re just starting out. Not only does having a big muscular chest give you the appearance of being bigger but its also one of the most attractive body parts according to women. Many beginners fail to know which exercises build which muscles. So we’ve gathered our top 11 chest exercises to add to your workout routine to build a bigger chest.
Heavy lifting builds a big chest—that’s a saying you commonly hear around the gym. Pressing movements should form the backbone of your chest routine, and the bench press done on the flat bench is without question the number one chest exercise out there. While there’s no doubt that starting off with the bench press in your workout will result in making excellent gains, that still doesn’t mean you should rely on it exclusively. In fact, decline presses emphasize the lower chest region, and incline presses builds the upper chest.
The two movements are remarkably similar, but dumbbells require better coordination, because each side is working independently. This ultimately offers a slightly greater range of motion and for some bodybuilders with shoulder problems, provide less stress.
You should be including these two exercises in your chest workout routine but also adding chest exercises that forces your muscles to work from different angles. To prevent the dreaded progress plateau on occasion you should be doing various chest exercises at the beginning of your workout when your muscles are fresh. You can also substitute dumbbells for the barbell version and vice versa.
Throw in flye movements, cable crossovers, and/or pec-deck flyes at the end of your workout. These are isolation exercises, good for targeting the chest but won’t force you to go too heavy unless, with good form, you’re really looking to pack on the size with heavy weights.
Beginners can do 2-3 chest exercises of 2-3 working sets (which means, don’t count your warm-ups) of 10—15 reps. Experienced bodybuilders can do 4-5 total exercises, starting with various angled presses using a variety of equipment (barbell, dumbbells, machines) for 3-4 working sets. Heavy sets should go down to 6-8 reps. Finish up with the isolation exercises (choose 1-2) with a relatively lighter weight, doing three sets of 10-12 reps.
Keys to building size and strength in your chest are to challenge yourself with weights that keep the reps on the lower end early in your workout when your strength is high (after warming up), hitting your pecs from a variety of angles, and pumping through those last isolation movements until you’ve given it your all.
Achieve maximum chest growth with this detailed routine.
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Frazao Media
Muscles involved: The major muscles involved are the pectoralis major (middle portion), the coracobrachialis and anterior deltoid.
The large pectoralis major covers the front of the chest. Its two basic sections, the upper (clavicular) and the lower (sternal), work together but have separate actions. The coracobrachialis is a small muscle located deep beneath the deltoid and pectoralis major on the front inner side of the arm. The deltoid is a triangular muscle located on the shoulder. Only the anterior and middle heads are involved in the bench press.
The triceps, which covers the entire back side of the upper arm, is involved in elbow extension — a secondary action in the bench press. The pectoralis minor located under the pectoralis major, and the serratus anterior under the armpit, play roles in pulling the scapula forward to allow you to fully extend your arms in front.
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Muscles involved: The shoulder-joint muscles responsible for moving the arms include the pectoralis major and anterior deltoid.
The serratus anterior and pectoralis minor of the shoulder girdle, together with the upper and lower portions of the trapezius, rotate and move the scapula to accommodate the arm movements. The pectoralis major is a large muscle that covers the chest; the anterior deltoid is found on the front of the shoulder. The serratus anterior is located on the side of the torso directly under the armpit, and the pectoralis minor is under the pectoralis major.
The trapezius is a large muscle covering the middle upper back, and only the upper and lower portions are involved in upward rotation of the scapula. This exercise also involves the medial and lateral heads of the triceps brachii, which covers the entire back of the upper arm.
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Per Bernal
Muscles involved: The pectoralis major, coracobrachialis and anterior deltoid are involved in shoulder-joint movement.
The pectoralis major covers the entire chest on each side of the sternum; the lower portion attaches to the sternum while the upper portion attaches to the clavicle. The muscle inserts fairly close to the insertion of the deltoid. The coracobrachialis lies in the upper middle portion of the arm, and the anterior deltoid constitutes the front of the shoulder.
Other muscles involved in the decline press include the pectoralis minor and serratus anterior. The pectoralis minor is a small muscle covered by the pectoralis major. Covered by the scapula at the rear and the pectoralis major in front, the serratus anterior lies on the outer surface of the ribs just below the armpits.
Also involved is the triceps brachii, which covers the entire back of the arm. The muscle’s medial head has a major role, although all three heads come into play when the weight is heavy and the speed of movement increases.
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Muscles involved: In the shoulder joint, the anterior deltoid, coracobrachialis and middle pectoralis major muscles are involved. The three-headed deltoid covers the front, top and back of the shoulder; this exercise involves mainly the anterior and middle heads. The coracobrachialis is a small muscle located deep underneath the deltoid. The large pectoralis major covers the chest from the clavicle, the whole length of the sternum and the cartilages of the first six ribs near the sternum. The fibers converge and attach to the humerus near the deltoid.
In the shoulder girdle, the pectoralis minor and serratus anterior are the major muscles involved. The small pectoralis minor is in the upper chest, covered by the pectoralis major. Lying on the outer surface of the ribs at the sides (just below the armpits), the serratus anterior is covered by the scapula at the rear and the pectoralis major in front.
In the elbow joint, the triceps brachii, which covers the entire back side of the upper arm, is the only major muscle involved. All three heads— the lateral head on the outer surface, the medial head on the inner side and the long head in the rear — run into a common tendon that attaches in the forearm.
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Martin Barraud
Muscles involved: The shoulder-joint muscles responsible for moving the arms — the pectoralis major and anterior deltoid — are assisted by the coracobrachialis and short head of the biceps. The shoulder girdle’s serratus anterior and pectoralis minor, together with the upper and lower portion of the trapezius, rotate and move the scapula to accommodate arm movements.
The pectoralis major is the large muscle of the chest, and the pectoralis minor is found under it. The anterior deltoid covers the front of the shoulder. The serratus anterior is located on the sides of the torso directly under the armpits. The trapezius is a large muscle covering the middle upper back; only the upper and lower portions are involved in upward rotation of the scapula.
Also involved are the medial and lateral heads of the triceps muscle.
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miodrag ignjatovic
Muscles involved: The main muscles involved in the shoulder joint are the sternal portion of the pectoralis major, a large muscle that covers almost the entire chest; the anterior deltoid located on the front of the shoulder; and the coracobrachialis, which is located deep beneath the deltoid and pectoralis major.
In the shoulder girdle, the serratus anterior and pectoralis minor are the major muscles involved. When well-developed, the serratus anterior — located on the sides of the body below the armpits — can be seen as fingerlike projections immediately above the external obliques. The pectoralis minor is located on the chest beneath the pectoralis major.
In the elbow joint, the main muscle involved is the triceps, a large, three-headed muscle that covers the entire backside of the upper arm.
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B2M Productions
Muscles involved: The pectoralis major is a large muscle that covers the upper front part of your torso. It has two basic sections, the upper (clavicular) and the lower (sternal), which work together.
Comprising your shoulder, the deltoid has three heads — one in front (anterior), one toward the side (middle) and one in back (posterior). The front delt is mostly involved in the machine press.
The triceps brachii is involved in extending the forearm, and the pectoralis minor (located under the pectoralis major) and serratus anterior (located under the armpits) help pull the scapula forward to allow the arm to fully extend in front.
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Muscles involved: The muscles of the shoulder joint and shoulder girdle are involved in the dumbbell flye, namely the pectoralis muscles, anterior (front) deltoid, coracobrachialis and serratus anterior, The pectoralis major — the large muscle covering most of the chest — originates on the front border of the clavicle, the whole length of the sternum and the cartilages of the first six ribs near the sternum.
The anterior head of the deltoid is one of three that shapes the shoulder. The coracobrachialis is a small muscle beneath the deltoid and pectoralis major muscles on the front and inner side of the arm.
In the shoulder girdle, the pectoralis minor and serratus anterior are the major muscles involved. The small pectoralis minor is located in the upper chest and is covered by the pectoralis major. The serratus anterior lies on the outer surface of the ribs at the sides (just below the armpit) and is covered by the scapula at the rear and the pectoralis major in front.
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Muscles involved: The incline dumbbell flye trains the upper chest, or pectoralis major, the large muscle covering most of the chest. It runs from the anterior border of the clavicle along the length of the sternum and the cartilages of the first six ribs to attach on the humerus, very close to the insertion of the deltoid.
The exercise also involves the major muscles of the shoulder joint: the anterior deltoid, anterior portion of the middle deltoid and coracobrachialis. The coracobrachialis is a small muscle located deep underneath the deltoid and pectoralis major muscles on the front and inner side of the arm.
In the shoulder girdle, the serratus anterior and pectoralis minor abduct the scapula during flyes. The serratus anterior lies on the outer surface of the ribs at the sides just below the armpits, and is covered by the scapula at the rear and pectoralis major in front.
The pectoralis minor, a small muscle located on the upper chest, is covered by the pectoralis major. The upper and lower portions of the trapezius located in the mid-upper back join the serratus anterior in upward rotation of the scapula.
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Muscles involved: Key shoulder-joint muscles in the pec-deck flye include the anterior deltoid, coracobrachialis, and pectoralis major.
The anterior deltoid covers the front of the shoulders, and is especially strong when the arms are in line with the shoulders. The coracobrachialis, which lies directly t beneath the deltoid and the pectoralis major, is fully targeted in this exercise. Most of its mass is below the deltoid.
This exercise involves both the upper and lower divisions of the pectoralis major, the large muscle covering the chest. You might also be able to emphasize development of the outer region of your pecs if you bring your arms back sufficiently or the inner region of your pecs if you bring your arms close together with a hard press.
In the shoulder girdle, the pectoralis minor and serratus anterior are the major muscles that become involved. The pectoralis minor is a small muscle located on the upper chest and covered by the pectoralis major. Covered by the scapula at the rear and the pectoralis major in front, the serratus anterior lies on the outer surface of the ribs just below the armpits.
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Cavan Images
Muscles involved: The pectoralis major, anterior deltoid, and coracobrachialis are the major muscles of the shoulder joint called into play in the cable crossover.
The pectoralis major covers the entire chest, but this exercise emphasizes the middle and lower portions, The deltoid muscle covers the entire shoulder and is divided into three sections: anterior, middle and posterior.
The crossover involves only the anterior or front portion. The coracobrachialis is a small muscle located deep underneath the deltoid and pectoralis major muscles.
In the shoulder girdle, the major muscles involved are the serratus anterior and pectoralis minor. The serratus anterior, located on the outer surface of the ribs, is covered by the scapula at the rear and the pectoralis major in front. Covered by the pectoralis major, the pectoralis minor is the small muscle located on the front of the upper chest.
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