28-Days-to-Lean Meal Plan
With the right plan and the right discipline, you can get seriously shredded in just 28 days.
Read articleTo be a true student of the Iron Game, one must study and acknowledge the legends that came before us. They often have tried-and-true methods of getting strong that should be passed down to the next generation of Iron Warrior. Before Garry Frank, Eddie Coan, and Kaz, there was a man named Pat Casey.
Pat Casey is a bonafide legend of the Iron Game and his no-nonsense approach to strength building should be a lesson to us all. Bands, chains, and specialty bars have their place, but nothing can replace busting your ass with heavy pig iron. To many, Pat Casey is one of the strongest men to ever walk the earth. He was the first man in history to bench press 600 lbs, squat 800 lbs and total 2000 lbs. And this was all done in an era before bench shirts and squat suits
Having achieved these feats nearly 50 years ago, before the proliferation of bands, chains, and specialized bars, Casey had some serious knowledge that we can all learn form. The powerlifter had long arms, long legs, and a short torso, not exactly the body type you think of for a “big bencher.” But he overcame these genetic traits with brutal workouts and a smart selection of exercises.
In Bruce Wilhelm’s book, “Pat Casey: King of Powerlifters,” he interviews Casey about how he built such a mammoth bench. In the book, Pat says that he needed a jolt in his training after hitting 500 lbs in the bench press. Here are the moves that helped him get to the next level.
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Chris Lund / M+F Magazine