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Read articleLandmine training was in vogue long before the landmine attachment existed. Old-school lifters jammed the barbell into a corner to do T-bar rows and they still do. Now thanks to the minds of creative coaches, landmine training is a great way to train your muscles from multiple angles and positions. The most popular of these exercises is the landmine press.
The landmine press is great for lifters who lack the shoulder mobility to press a barbell overhead. It’s also a nice change-up from overhead and bench pressing also. Here we will go into:
The landmine overhead press is a unique pressing exercise as it falls somewhere in the middle of being both a vertical and horizontal press. This is due to the angle of the barbell that’s either wedged into a corner or inserted in a landmine attachment. The angle creates an arch that allows lifters to go overhead without putting strain on the shoulder or compressive load on the spine, making this a godsend for lifters who lack the shoulder mobility to go overhead and for those with lower-back issues.
The standing landmine press is a predominately upper-body exercise. But due to standing and lifting unilaterally, this exercise challenges your balance and core stability. Here are the muscles trained by the standing landmine press.
Upper body
Lower body
The landmine press trains the overhead pattern safely for all lifters and is a great variation for those who have shoulder or lower-back issues. Here are a few important benefits of the standing landmine press.
The standing landmine press seems simple enough. You stand there and press the barbell away from your shoulder. But there are a few important things you need to do to get the best out of this exercise.
There are a few ways to program this depending on your shoulder mobility. If you’re using this as your primary overhead option because of limited shoulder mobility or pain, program this on a day when you’re not benching for either strength or hypertrophy. Pairing this with a carry, core, or leg exercise works well. For example,
1A. Single-arm standing landmine press: Six to 12 reps (each side)
1B. Farmer’s carry: 40 yards
When you want to add the landmine press for extra overhead pressing volume without the shoulder stress, program for higher reps two days after you overhead press. Pair with a triceps exercise for improved lockout strength. For example:
1A. Single-arm standing landmine press: 12 reps (each side)
1B. Overhead triceps extension: 12 to 20 reps
Below are guidelines on how to program the landmine press for strength and hypertrophy. These are only guidelines and can be changed to fit your personal goals.
Hypertrophy: Time under tension and volume is the key to gaining muscle with any exercise including the landmine press. Performing three to five sets of six to 12 reps, resting a minute to 90 seconds
Strength: This is not the greatest exercise to perform for strength, but many people find this better for their shoulders and back than overhead presses. If this is the case for you and want to train for strength, do three to five sets of three to six reps with heavy loading. Rest two to three minutes between sets.
The beauty of the landmine setup is you can set up in different body positions to train your muscles at different angles for better muscle development. Here are three variations to up your landmine press game and to improve your hip mobility and core stability.
By lowering your center of mass, you can press without too much compensation from the pelvis and lower back. And this position further trains core stability, hip mobility, and anti-rotational core benefits. The press arch is more overhead than horizontal, making this more difficult than the standing landmine press.
Pressing in the tall kneeling position trains your glute strength because your posterior is engaged to keep you upright. Plus, it also acts as a form check, as it’s easier to see technique errors such as overarching the lower back while pressing overhead. And taking the lower legs out farther adds to the difficulty of the lift because of your inability to “cheat” the weight up.
The side-to-side landmine press is similar to the standing variation about except it is performed with two hands while alternating the pressing angle by going from shoulder to shoulder. With the combination of close grip and being performed with two hands, you will lift more weight than the standing version.