28-Days-to-Lean Meal Plan
With the right plan and the right discipline, you can get seriously shredded in just 28 days.
Read articleAlthough the barbell squat is often referred to as the “king of lower body exercises” I have personally always found the leg press to be a superior quad-building exercise. Perhaps it is my unique structure or my greater ability to concentrate/focus while leg pressing that makes it a more efficacious movement for me, but regardless they have become my go-to exercise for thickening my thighs from top to bottom, left to right.
Over the nearly two decades I have been bodybuilding I have managed to come up with a few creative ways to turn a basic leg press machine into a literal medieval torture device, but the one I would like to present to muscleandfitness.com readers today is one I affectionately refer to as the “Thigh Thumper!” This consists of a specific kind of “triset,” performed entirely on one leg press machine, with only enough rest taken between “sets” to manipulate foot positions enough to effectively target several different areas of the lower body – quads, hams, glutes.
Here is what this leg press lunacy looks like:
Position #1:
8-10 reps—Feet placed low and shoulder width apart on the platform in order to place the emphasis on the lower quads. With no rest switch to:
Position #2:
8-10 reps—Feet placed narrow (a few inches apart) and midway up on the platform in order to place the emphasis on the vastus lateralis on the outside of the thigh, while beginning to recruit a bit of help from the hamstrings as well. With no rest switch to:
Position #3:
8-10 reps—Feet placed high and wide (a few inches wider than shoulder width) on the platform in order to place the emphasis on the inner thighs (adductors), hamstrings, and glutes.
I suggest running through the “Thigh Thumper” two to three times in a workout (with about 3 minutes in between “trisets”) and then finishing your quad workout with a couple of sets of leg extensions to completely obliterate any remaining stubborn muscle fibers. Try this program anytime you want to challenge your mind and muscles to something a little different than the norm, but be prepared for the pain and the possibility of “losing your lunch!”
Eric Broser is a lifetime Drug Free Pro Bodybuilder and has been involved in the health and fitness industry in just about every facet for over 24 years. He has penned over 200 articles on training/supplements/nutrition, and has authored four books on the subject of rapid and effective physique transformation. Eric is the pioneer of the world-renown POWER, REP RANGE, SHOCK training method and is one of the most sought after personal trainers/contest preparation coaches in the field by athletes, bodybuilders and members of the entertainment industry.