On most days you head to the gym and ‘do the right thing’. You take out your training log, follow the reps and sets, add a little more weight than last week and walk out the door feeling pretty darn good about yourself. Other days, you’re not quite ‘feeling it’ and you spend less time squatting and more time chatting up the hot chick in the squat rack. Hey, it happens.

Then there are some days you just walk into the gym feeling extra pumped and super focused. Sure you could bang out your regularly scheduled training program. Hell, the way you’re feeling you could probably hit a couple of PR’s. But, today, you’re same-old training program just won’t do. You want to tackle something tough. You want a challenge. You want to train so hard that you crawl out of the gym. You want to GET CRUSHED.

Lucky for you, we’re here to help. Each week we’ll give you a tough, one-off workout that you can try when you are looking for the ultimate training challenge of just feel like you need a break from your regular routine. But be warned, this training program will leave you totally CRUSHED.


10-Minute AMRAP

About 5 minutes into this full body workout you are going to wonder what is more awful, the insane pump you have in your lower body or the fact that your grip is on fire from the kettlebell swings and farmer’s walks. Lucky for you, you have 5 more minutes to figure it out.

You are trying to complete as many rounds of this circuit as possible in 10 minutes. Use 75 to 80% of your 1RM for the front squat, a 20kg (44lb) kettlebell for the swings and a pair of 70lb dumbbells for the farmer’s walk (feel free to scale weights up or down as needed). If your gym doesn’t have enough space for a 40 meter farmer’s walk, then complete 6 “figure 8” walks with the dumbbells.

And remember, while the goal is to push the pace, don’t be a knucklehead. If you can’t complete the movements with good form, either rest until you can manage it or end the workout.

Front Squat
5 reps
75-80% of your 1RM

Kettlebell Swing
20 reps
20kg Kettblebell

Farmer’s Walk
40 meters
70 lb. Dumbbells

Let us know how you did. Leave your total workout time and any thoughts you have on the workout in the comments section below.

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Dan Trink is a personal trainer, strength coach and nutritional consultant based in New York City. To find out more about Dan visit www.trinkfitness.com.