Extensive science and research validate that total body workouts, with intervals of high-intensity interval training are highly effective. HIIT workouts for beginners should include both resistance and cardio for optimal results.  HIIT workouts involves performing an all-out, exhaustive physical effort for a short time followed by a short recovery.

The best thing about HIIT workouts  is that it can be done anywhere – your bedroom, living room, local park, or even in a random corner of your gym. 

The main emphasis for HIIT workouts for beginners should be a workout routine that goes hard for 60 seconds and then breaks for 1-2 minutes, depending on the exercise involved.

As you get accustomed to HIIT as a beginner, you can lower the work to rest ratio from 3:1 to 2:1 and eventually even 1:1. During the high intensity interval, your your heart should be pumping at 85 percent of its maximum rate. Or on a scale of 1-10 of ease of breathing, you want to be at 8-9.

The benefits of doing HIIT workouts is increased metabolic rate, optimal muscle building, muscle retention coupled with fat loss and increased calorie burn. But there’s a lot more to HIIT workouts for beginners that can benefit you as a physique-minded athlete.

Eric Salvador is the head instructor of The Fhitting Room, a boutique fitness studio in New York delivering comprehensive, high-intensity workouts in a small class environment. Known as El Capitán, Eric is a United States Marine and is certified through the NASM, NSCA and USA Weightlifting. For more, visit http://www.fhittingroom.com. 

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