28-Days-to-Lean Meal Plan
With the right plan and the right discipline, you can get seriously shredded in just 28 days.
Read articleThere are three main bodytypes: the ectomorph, the endomorph and the mesomorph. Each has it’s challenges…and advantages.
The ectomorph is the proverbial “hard gainer.” Some general traits of these lean-bodied somatotypes are: a flat chest, small shoulders, thin, small joints, droopy shoulders, long fingers, long toes, long skinny necks and, on the upside from a physique standpoint, they are relatively lean.
Ectomorphs have an extremely efficient metabolism. They are at a disadvantage when it comes to adding size because the pace at which their body uses fuel often eats in to the stores needed to add new muscle.
Long-held conventional wisdom dictates that if you are having trouble gaining muscle, you should increase your caloric intake by 500 per day.
Another, lesser-used approach may have more merit. Examine the ratios of the current calorie intake. Most ectos will find that their protein intake is much lower than it should be — well below the 1-1.5 grams per pound of bodyweight per day that is usually recommended. So a good initial strategy may be to make sure that they’re meeting that goal, then after a few weeks, if no muscle has been gained, increase to 1.75 grams per pound of bodyweight while also increasing caloric intake slightly.
Being an ectomorph is not a sentence to mediocre muscular development purgatory! Follow these training tools to break out of what some consider a genetic prison and be thankful you don’t have to bust your balls to get lean.