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With the right plan and the right discipline, you can get seriously shredded in just 28 days.
Read articleIf you haven’t attended a Rugged Maniac event you’re missing out on a fantastic experience. Most likely, if you’re reading health and bodybuilding blogs and websites, you’re passionate about physical fitness. So why not spend a day living your American Ninja Warrior dreams along with a bunch of other muddy folks?
In all seriousness, the physical component is just one aspect of a Rugged Maniac event. This year, of note, Quest Nutrition is the official nutrition sponsor of the event. That means there are samples aplenty of Quest products including the new Quest Protein Cookie.
On top of that, the mood is lax if you want it to be, and best of all, spectators get to watch for free! So you can lug along your friends who are too chicken to get in the mud. After the 5k obstacle course, there’s a recovery zone where you can chill in the shade and receive a complimentary massage before heading out to the post-race party.
What makes Rugged Maniac special is they’re about celebrating the day – compared to the other endurance races, they stack up nicely on a purely monetary level:
And just in case you’ve gotten a team signed up and there are some holdouts over difficulty, Rugged Manaic allows you to go at your own pace and skip any obstacles you don’t feel comfortable with. But you’re probably still going to get muddy. Not much you can do about that!
If you’re down to tackle obstacles with names like Pyromaniac, The Warped Wall and Mount Maniac, check out the Rugged Maniac website to see if they’re coming to a city near you!
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