28-Days-to-Lean Meal Plan
With the right plan and the right discipline, you can get seriously shredded in just 28 days.
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Read articleFamous M&F Guys Who Could Kick Your Ass
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Think you’re tough? Well hey, you may be, but whether you lift weights, run marathons, or are a pro-football player, it is guaranteed that these beastly men will still take you down. This group of powerhouse fighters have all been professionally trained in the world of kick-ass and have proven themselves as dominant figures in wrestling, martial arts, and even war combat. So, you may be cream of the crop where you’re from, but until you tango with one of these giants- no one is buyin’ it. See Also: The Rock is Ready to Bulk Up for ‘Furious 8’
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Per Bernal / M+F Magazine
This 6’5″ Swedish powerhouse is not one to be messed with. Besides being a 3-time Kyokushin champion, Dolph Lundgren is so beastly that he managed to take out the ultimate fighter himself…Rocky. During filming for Rocky IV, in which he played the infamous Ivan Drago, Lundgren punched Sylvester Stallone so hard in the chest that he had swelling around his heart and had to stay in intensive care for four days. If that isn’t a sign to stay away from this guy in a ring (or anywhere, for that matter), I don’t know what is. See Also: 5 Films that Kept Dolph Lundgren on the Map
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John Cena has been a professional wrestler going on 14 years now- which proves this guy has got the chops. Weighing in at a shredded 250 lbs, Cena takes no prisoners in the ring, stacking up a ground-breaking 24 WWE Championship wins. Despite his recent transition to acting and showing off his humorous side, I still wouldn’t want to go 1-on-1 with this tank. See Also: Still Hungry: John Cena Has Yet to Peak
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David McIntosh is a monster- and he knows it. At just the age of 16, he became a Royal Marines Commando. He has fought in many conflict hot spots across the Gulf, Iraq, Afghanistan, Somalia, and Northern Ireland. He is also proficient in martial arts and combat warfare. Nowadays, he’s busy being a fitness model/actor, which may make it seem like he’s lost his edge, but anyone with a background like his, is not one to be messed with. See Also: Full-Spectrum Strong: Army Ranger Workout
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Per Bernal
This 6’6 powerhouse would be your worst nightmare in a fight. Before he became a 10-time WWE Championship winner, Bautista was working as a bouncer for a club. That is, until he was arrested for getting into a fight with two patrons, in which one was left unconscious…and that was when he was barely 18. This guy is the definition of a monster: he’s 290 lbs of pure muscle and despite being a professional wrestler, has also secured a purple belt in Brazilian jiu-jitsu. Basically, whether he’s in the ring, on the ground, or in a martial arts gym, he could still kick your ass. See Also: Animal Instinct: Bautista is On Another Level
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Per Bernal
Although Dwayne Johnson has transitioned into the good-humored and friendly actor we see today, we mustn’t forget his rich history as a 17-time WWE Championship winner. It seems as if Johnson was born to be a wrestler- gifted with a 6’5 frame and an entire lineage of pro-wrestlers (his father, grandfather, and cousins) giving him the power he needed to succeed. Weighing in at 260 lbs, his speed and power are unparalleled in the ring, or even on set when he’s beating up some bad guys. Despite being a goofy guy, if you can smell what “The Rock” is cooking, you’re probably about to get your ass beat. See Also: The Rock for President? Why Not?
Think you’re tough? Well hey, you may be, but whether you lift weights, run marathons, or are a pro-football player, it is guaranteed that these beastly men will still take you down. This group of powerhouse fighters have all been professionally trained in the world of kick-ass and have proven themselves as dominant figures in wrestling, martial arts, and even war combat. So, you may be cream of the crop where you’re from, but until you tango with one of these giants- no one is buyin’ it.
This 6’5″ Swedish powerhouse is not one to be messed with. Besides being a 3-time Kyokushin champion, Dolph Lundgren is so beastly that he managed to take out the ultimate fighter himself…Rocky. During filming for Rocky IV, in which he played the infamous Ivan Drago, Lundgren punched Sylvester Stallone so hard in the chest that he had swelling around his heart and had to stay in intensive care for four days. If that isn’t a sign to stay away from this guy in a ring (or anywhere, for that matter), I don’t know what is.
John Cena has been a professional wrestler going on 14 years now- which proves this guy has got the chops. Weighing in at a shredded 250 lbs, Cena takes no prisoners in the ring, stacking up a ground-breaking 24 WWE Championship wins. Despite his recent transition to acting and showing off his humorous side, I still wouldn’t want to go 1-on-1 with this tank.
See Also: Still Hungry: John Cena Has Yet to Peak
David McIntosh is a monster- and he knows it. At just the age of 16, he became a Royal Marines Commando. He has fought in many conflict hot spots across the Gulf, Iraq, Afghanistan, Somalia, and Northern Ireland. He is also proficient in martial arts and combat warfare. Nowadays, he’s busy being a fitness model/actor, which may make it seem like he’s lost his edge, but anyone with a background like his, is not one to be messed with.
This 6’6 powerhouse would be your worst nightmare in a fight. Before he became a 10-time WWE Championship winner, Bautista was working as a bouncer for a club. That is, until he was arrested for getting into a fight with two patrons, in which one was left unconscious…and that was when he was barely 18. This guy is the definition of a monster: he’s 290 lbs of pure muscle and despite being a professional wrestler, has also secured a purple belt in Brazilian jiu-jitsu. Basically, whether he’s in the ring, on the ground, or in a martial arts gym, he could still kick your ass.
Although Dwayne Johnson has transitioned into the good-humored and friendly actor we see today, we mustn’t forget his rich history as a 17-time WWE Championship winner. It seems as if Johnson was born to be a wrestler- gifted with a 6’5 frame and an entire lineage of pro-wrestlers (his father, grandfather, and cousins) giving him the power he needed to succeed. Weighing in at 260 lbs, his speed and power are unparalleled in the ring, or even on set when he’s beating up some bad guys. Despite being a goofy guy, if you can smell what “The Rock” is cooking, you’re probably about to get your ass beat.
See Also: The Rock for President? Why Not?
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