28-Days-to-Lean Meal Plan
With the right plan and the right discipline, you can get seriously shredded in just 28 days.
Read articleNicole Wilkins is cemented as a bodybuilding icon, but in reality her first love was gymnastics. She had been involved with gymnastics since she was 7 and continued all the way up to high school. What changed her fitness path were two meniscus tears in the same knee. As part of her recovery, she began to spend more time in the gym and realized that overall fitness was her true passion. She officially retired from the sport after competing in the 2002 gymnastics event at the Arnold Sports Festival.
After several years of preparation and competing in small shows, she eventually became the youngest winner of the Olympia Figure competition at just 25 years old. Over the years, she’s racked up a ton of accolades and continues to be a shinning beacon for fitness inspiration.
Take a look at her amazingly strong physique on her Instagram.
10 Times Nicole Wilkins Was Absolutely Shredded on Instagram
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