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Read articleMamdouh Elssbiay, former fisherman from Egypt and current Oxygen Gym Trainer in Kuwait, is looking to make his American IFBB Pro debut at the 2013 New York Pro under the tutalage of IFBB Pro Dennis James.
Mamdouh Elssbiay (aka Big Ramy) turned pro after less than three years of training. During that time, Big Ramy has not only amassed over 80lbs of muscle but also qualified to compete in the 2013 Mr. Olympia by virtue of winning the IFBB Amateur Olympia in Kuwait.
Dennis James thought it best to introduce Ramy to the US fans by first debuting him in New York. With the intent of making a big splash in this early summer's professional bodybuilding contest, Ramy should have a lot of eyes on him when he makes his Mr. Olympia debut later this year.
Here's a few recent pictures courtesy of Oxygen Gym (Side note: Dennis James reported Ramy broke 320lbs the other day – with abs!)
IFBB Pro Mamdouh “Big Ramy” Elssbiay
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