28-Days-to-Lean Meal Plan
With the right plan and the right discipline, you can get seriously shredded in just 28 days.
Read articleWith the right plan and the right discipline, you can get seriously shredded in just 28 days.
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Read articleFollow these fit women we're crushing on for inspiration, workout ideas, and motivation.
Read articleThe Best Women’s Abs on Instagram in 2017
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The amount of patience, hard work, and flawless dieting required to sculpt picture-perfect abdominals makes it a tough fitness milestone to nail down, even for someone who’s insanely fit and strong. That being said, a shredded core is attainable, and the proof is all over social media.We’ve rounded up (in no particular order) some of the best abs on Instagram of 2017. Click through to see how your abs stack up against these ripped ladies’ cores.And when you inevitably start looking for abs workouts after checking out these enviable sets of abs, we’ve got you covered with this eight-week six-pack abs plan, these at-home exercises for sexy abs, and the four-week bikini abs program.
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angelicaht / Instagram
Follow her on Instagram at @angelicaht.
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anllela_sagra / Instagram
Follow her on Instagram at @anllela_sagra.
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jessicaarevalo_ / Instagram
Follow her on Instagram at @jessicaarevalo_. Because holding your boob is the secret to getting a 6 pack! Am I the only one that holds my boob when flexing my abs/obliques!?- Current weight | 109 pounds Height | 5'1 – – Also click link in bio for new YouTube video that just went live!- | @JessicaArevaloFit A post shared by Jessica Arevalo (@jessicaarevalo_) on Aug 14, 2017 at 3:57pm PDT
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hardcoreainsley / Instagram
Follow her on Instagram at @hardcoreainsley.
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kira.fitness / Instagram
Follow her on Instagram at @kira.fitness.
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brookeence / Instagram
Follow her on Instagram at @brookeence.
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deniceemoberg / Instagram
Follow her on Instagram at @deniceemoberg.
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vytamin_c / Instagram
Follow her on Instagram at @vytamin_c.
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andreiabrazier / Instagram
Follow her on Instagram at @andreiabrazier. Click Link In Bio For My Training & Nutritional Guides : Viper Overhead Lunges W/combo Killer AB Circuit : Fantastic to shape Legs while strengthening the entire body.. ___________________________________ Perform: 5 Sets for each exercise ___________________________________ A1• Overhead Walking Lunges 5 Sets 30 Reps (15 reps front & 15 reps reversed) ___________________________________ A2•Viper Wood-shop 5 Sets 20 Reps (10 each side) __________________________________ A3•Viper rotation around head 5 Sets 20 Reps (10 each side) _____________________________________________________ www.andreiabrazier.com A post shared by Andreia Brazier Official (@andreiabrazier) on Jun 12, 2017 at 11:52am PDT
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walkerbrooke / Instagram
Follow her on Instagram at @walkerbrooke.
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karinaelle / Instagram
Follow her on Instagram at @karinaelle.
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niaisazaoficial / Instagram
Follow her on Instagram at @niaisazaoficial.
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valentinalequeux / Instagram
Follow her on Instagram at @valentinalequeux. Weekend is here! And what's up with this @bombshellsportswear Outfit . This weekend with holiday Labor Day in US or just a regular weekend overseas many will be having some cheat meals or some drinks. But that doesn't mean you should slack on your training! If you go outside your plan add some cardio it's not the end of the world! Just sweat it out! And move on! You really screw up your journey when you slip up and you fail to correct it! And God knows how much I freaking hate being chained on a stair master or similar! DO YOUR CARDIO OUTSIDE another big component pushing you to fail in your journey is you are not having FUN with it! So please get creative!!! Here's the cardio routine: -3 scissor lunges to squat -Stair crossed lunges 10 steps each leg -Push up to jumping squat 20 reps *rest 30 seconds to a minute depending on your capacity and repeat for 5 rounds ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• #empower #fitgirl #cardio #hiit #selflove #fitspo #abs #fitspiration #beachbum #strongnotskinny #strongwomen #women #workoutmotivation #workout #shredded #fitness #happiness #fitspo #inspiration #positive #smile #healthylifestyle #happy #workoutvideo A post shared by Valentina Lequeux (@valentinalequeux) on Sep 1, 2017 at 8:17am PDT
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myaspenrae / Instagram
Follow her on Instagram at @myaspenrae.
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leanmachine21 / Instagram
Follow her on Instagram at @leanmachine21.
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julesfit10 / Instagram
Follow her on Instagram at @julesfit10.
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kelseywells / Instagram
Follow her on Instagram at @kelseywells.
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oksanagrishina / Instagram
Follow her on Instagram at @oksanagrishina.
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ryallfitness / Instagram
Follow her on Instagram at @ryallgraber.
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stephpondechohawk / Instagram
Follow her on Instagram @stephpondechohawk.
The amount of patience, hard work, and flawless dieting required to sculpt picture-perfect abdominals makes it a tough fitness milestone to nail down, even for someone who’s insanely fit and strong. That being said, a shredded core is attainable, and the proof is all over social media.
We’ve rounded up (in no particular order) some of the best abs on Instagram of 2017. Click through to see how your abs stack up against these ripped ladies’ cores.
And when you inevitably start looking for abs workouts after checking out these enviable sets of abs, we’ve got you covered with this eight-week six-pack abs plan, these at-home exercises for sexy abs, and the four-week bikini abs program.
Follow her on Instagram at @angelicaht.
Follow her on Instagram at @anllela_sagra.
Follow her on Instagram at @jessicaarevalo_.
A post shared by Jessica Arevalo (@jessicaarevalo_) on Aug 14, 2017 at 3:57pm PDT
Follow her on Instagram at @hardcoreainsley.
Follow her on Instagram at @kira.fitness.
Follow her on Instagram at @brookeence.
Follow her on Instagram at @deniceemoberg.
Follow her on Instagram at @vytamin_c.
Follow her on Instagram at @andreiabrazier.
A post shared by Andreia Brazier Official (@andreiabrazier) on Jun 12, 2017 at 11:52am PDT
Follow her on Instagram at @walkerbrooke.
Follow her on Instagram at @karinaelle.
Follow her on Instagram at @niaisazaoficial.
Follow her on Instagram at @valentinalequeux.
Follow her on Instagram at @myaspenrae.
Follow her on Instagram at @leanmachine21.
Follow her on Instagram at @julesfit10.
Follow her on Instagram at @kelseywells.
Follow her on Instagram at @oksanagrishina.
Follow her on Instagram at @ryallgraber.
Follow her on Instagram @stephpondechohawk.
How Mexico’s flag football captain became a Super Bowl star.
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