28-Days-to-Lean Meal Plan
With the right plan and the right discipline, you can get seriously shredded in just 28 days.
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Works: Core, ThighsStand with a barbell across your shoulder blades, chains hanging from both ends.
Place your feet slightly wider than shoulder width apart.
Slowly lower into a squat until your thighs are slightly past parallel to the floor.
Rise explosively from the bottom of the squat, halving the time of the descent.
Perform three sets of 12, 10, and 8 reps.Tip: Chains add an instability that requires a natural counterbalance.
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Works: Shoulders, Chest, CoreGet in pushup position, but place your feet about 30 inches apart.
Perform a pushup, then jump your legs together while staggering your hands, one palm in front of the other. Land with elbows slightly bent, not locked.
Jump your legs and arms back apart. Do another pushup, then repeat, driving your arms and legs inward and landing with your hands staggered.
Perform two sets of 20 reps.Tip: Practice bringing hands together before crossing them.
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Works: Glutes, HamstringsLie facedown over the top of an incline bench, making sure your waist is in line with the top of the bench.
Grasp the sides of the bench and elevate your legs off the floor into a V shape.
Lift your legs to just past parallel to top of bench, flexing your glutes hard at the top.
Perform two sets of 30 reps.
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Works: Core, Glutes, ThighsBegin in an extra-wide stance (sumo squat style) with your feet turned out 45 degrees and your knees soft.
Hold a single kettlebell with both hands, elbows close to sides, with the bell just under your chin.
Drop your weight laterally to the left, keeping torso close to upright, until your left elbow is above your left thigh and your right leg is extended. Don’t lock right knee.
Press back up toward the start without stopping in center. Keeping your feet planted, drop into a lunge on your right side, bringing your right elbow over your right knee while extending your left leg.
Perform two sets of 20 nonstop reps.Tip: Move from left to right lunge without pausing at the center.
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Works: Shoulders, Core, Back, Thighs Start by holding a resistance band or cable pulley at a high point over your right shoulder. Place feet wider than hip-distance apart, knees soft.
Keeping your arms extended, twist your torso and rotate on the ball of your right foot, lowering your right knee to the floor. Finish chop with your wrists over your left knee.
Slowly return the band or pulley to start as you straighten your legs back to a soft stance.
Perform two sets of 12 reps each side.
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Works: Shoulders, Core, BackPlace your left knee and hand on a bench and your right foot on the floor in line with your knee, about 30 inches to the side of the bench. Hold a dumbbell in your right hand with your arm fully extended.
Draw your right elbow toward your ribs, then quickly straighten your torso, bringing dumbbell to your right shoulder and left hand to left hip.
Press the dumbbell overhead, extending your arm upward.
Lower the dumbbell to your shoulder, then back to start position, placing your left hand on the bench.
Perform two heavy sets of 12 and 10 reps.Tip: Keep Dumbbell movement fluid from bottom to overhead.
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Works: Shoulders, Core, GlutesLie faceup on the floor and place your heels hip-width apart on a bench or step. Hold a barbell overhead with your arms extended.
Using your glutes, lift your lower back 3–6 inches off the floor with your legs bent 90 degrees. This is the starting position.
Press pelvis upward until your thighs are in line with your hips. Simultaneously pull the barbell in front of you, stopping just before it touches your thighs.
Lower your hips and the barbell back to the start position.
Perform two sets of 20 reps.Tip: Keep hips and barbell elevated at the bottom of the movement.Learn more about the WWE’s famous redhead HERE!
Works: Core, Thighs
Stand with a barbell across your shoulder blades, chains hanging from both ends.
Place your feet slightly wider than shoulder width apart.
Slowly lower into a squat until your thighs are slightly past parallel to the floor.
Rise explosively from the bottom of the squat, halving the time of the descent.
Perform three sets of 12, 10, and 8 reps.
Tip: Chains add an instability that requires a natural counterbalance.
Works: Shoulders, Chest, Core
Get in pushup position, but place your feet about 30 inches apart.
Perform a pushup, then jump your legs together while staggering your hands, one palm in front of the other. Land with elbows slightly bent, not locked.
Jump your legs and arms back apart. Do another pushup, then repeat, driving your arms and legs inward and landing with your hands staggered.
Perform two sets of 20 reps.
Tip: Practice bringing hands together before crossing them.
Works: Glutes, Hamstrings
Lie facedown over the top of an incline bench, making sure your waist is in line with the top of the bench.
Grasp the sides of the bench and elevate your legs off the floor into a V shape.
Lift your legs to just past parallel to top of bench, flexing your glutes hard at the top.
Perform two sets of 30 reps.
Works: Core, Glutes, Thighs
Begin in an extra-wide stance (sumo squat style) with your feet turned out 45 degrees and your knees soft.
Hold a single kettlebell with both hands, elbows close to sides, with the bell just under your chin.
Drop your weight laterally to the left, keeping torso close to upright, until your left elbow is above your left thigh and your right leg is extended. Don’t lock right knee.
Press back up toward the start without stopping in center. Keeping your feet planted, drop into a lunge on your right side, bringing your right elbow over your right knee while extending your left leg.
Perform two sets of 20 nonstop reps.
Tip: Move from left to right lunge without pausing at the center.
Works: Shoulders, Core, Back, Thighs
Start by holding a resistance band or cable pulley at a high point over your right shoulder. Place feet wider than hip-distance apart, knees soft.
Keeping your arms extended, twist your torso and rotate on the ball of your right foot, lowering your right knee to the floor. Finish chop with your wrists over your left knee.
Slowly return the band or pulley to start as you straighten your legs back to a soft stance.
Perform two sets of 12 reps each side.
Works: Shoulders, Core, Back
Place your left knee and hand on a bench and your right foot on the floor in line with your knee, about 30 inches to the side of the bench. Hold a dumbbell in your right hand with your arm fully extended.
Draw your right elbow toward your ribs, then quickly straighten your torso, bringing dumbbell to your right shoulder and left hand to left hip.
Press the dumbbell overhead, extending your arm upward.
Lower the dumbbell to your shoulder, then back to start position, placing your left hand on the bench.
Perform two heavy sets of 12 and 10 reps.
Tip: Keep Dumbbell movement fluid from bottom to overhead.
Works: Shoulders, Core, Glutes
Lie faceup on the floor and place your heels hip-width apart on a bench or step. Hold a barbell overhead with your arms extended.
Using your glutes, lift your lower back 3–6 inches off the floor with your legs bent 90 degrees. This is the starting position.
Press pelvis upward until your thighs are in line with your hips. Simultaneously pull the barbell in front of you, stopping just before it touches your thighs.
Lower your hips and the barbell back to the start position.
Perform two sets of 20 reps.
Tip: Keep hips and barbell elevated at the bottom of the movement.
Learn more about the WWE’s famous redhead HERE!
The Buffy star is looking buffer than ever thanks coach Brad Gould.
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