28-Days-to-Lean Meal Plan
With the right plan and the right discipline, you can get seriously shredded in just 28 days.
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Courtesy Wyndham
Wingate by Wyndham has teamed up with Muscle & Fitness Hers to help you stay both productive and fit while traveling. Stick to your routine when on the road by following our helpful workout guide to keep you feeling good during your entire stay.For additional workout tips, visit muscleandfitness.com/hers/wingate.Please consult a medical professional prior to starting any exercise program.
Power through your workout with these simple exercises that can be done in the comfort of your guest room. This workout is designed as a circuit. Perform each exercise one right after the other, with minimal rest between exercises. Rest 90 seconds between circuits. Do 2-4 circuits total.
Follow these healthy tips to refuel while on the road:Eat plenty of protein to stabilize blood sugar and stay energized.Keep pre-workout fat and fiber intake low – they both slow digestion, and you want to get nutrients in your blood quickly.After you workout your body needs nutrients. The sooner you refuel the quicker you recover and grow.Choose healthy snack options such as fruits, nuts and yogurt.Avoid junk food like soda, sugary snacks and deep-fried foods, which drain your energy and deflate your mood.Enjoy complex carbs such as brown rice and quinoa for optimal energy.Drink lots of water to stay hydrated and avoid jet lag.
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Courtesy Wyndham
Reps: 10-15Set finisher: Hold the bottom of the squat position for 20-30 seconds after you finish the reps.Instructions:Stand with feet shoulder width and toes turned out slightly.Sit back with your hips and lower your body as far as you can without rounding your lower back.Push your knees out as you descend and keep your chest up.
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Courtesy Wyndham
Reps: 10-16; 20-30 sec.Instructions:Get into pushup position: Hands at shoulder-width, elbows tucked to your sides, and core engaged.Lower yourself until your torso is a few inches above the floor.Fire your triceps and pecs and lift yourself up until your elbows are locked out.Bring your feet together and shift your body weight onto your left side. You should be supporting yourself with your left hand and the side of your left foot. Extend your right arm above you. Hold this plank position for 20-30 sec.Bring your right arm back down and get back into pushup position. That’s one rep.Alternate sides every other rep.
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Courtesy Wyndham
Reps: 15-20Instructions:Hold a small towel at each end in front of you. Fire your back and shoulder muscles and apply slight tension to the towel, as if you were trying to pull it apart.Bring the towel closer to you, making sure to maintain tension in the towel. Extend the towel back in front of you. That’s one rep.
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Courtesy Wyndham
Reps: 20Instructions: Get on all fours, hands under shoulders, knees under hips.Extend opposite hand and foot (so, left arm and right foot) straight out from your body, keeping shoulders and hips square to the floor (no twisting) and firmly reaching fingertips forward (hand like a karate chop) and foot back (toes firmly flexed). You want to feel the core, back, and glute muscles really squeeze.Hold for a beat.Bring the limbs in, elbow toward knee. That’s one rep. Switch sides for each rep; extend your right arm and left foot next.
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Courtesy Wyndham
Reps: 20Instructions:Reverse lunge: From a standing position, step your right foot backward into a lunge position. Bend both knees, making sure to fire your glutes, hamstrings, and quads to give you balance. Keep your torso upright; don’t slouch forward or lean backward. Raise your arms over your head. Try to imagine a straight line running underneath you, connecting your feet. Make sure you breathe normally.Fire your leg muscles and bring your right foot back forward to a standing position.Step back with your left foot into Warrior Pose. Bring your hips parallel to the front of the room. Arch your upper back slightly, lifting your chest up toward the ceiling. Press your palms together, if possible, or keep your hands shoulder width apart with your palms facing each other. Look forward or up at your thumbs. When done, step the right foot back into a standing position.Alternate sides.
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Courtesy Wyndham
Reps: Hold for 20-60 secondsInstructions:Lie on your back.Press your lower back into the ground, fire your core muscles, and lift your arms and legs up off the floor. Don’t tense your neck muscles or tuck your chin too far into your chest. Hold this position for 20-60 seconds.
Wingate by Wyndham has teamed up with Muscle & Fitness Hers to help you stay both productive and fit while traveling. Stick to your routine when on the road by following our helpful workout guide to keep you feeling good during your entire stay.
For additional workout tips, visit muscleandfitness.com/hers/wingate.
Please consult a medical professional prior to starting any exercise program.
Power through your workout with these simple exercises that can be done in the comfort of your guest room. This workout is designed as a circuit. Perform each exercise one right after the other, with minimal rest between exercises. Rest 90 seconds between circuits. Do 2-4 circuits total.
Follow these healthy tips to refuel while on the road:
Reps: 10-15
Set finisher: Hold the bottom of the squat position for 20-30 seconds after you finish the reps.
Reps: 10-16; 20-30 sec.
Reps: 15-20
Reps: 20
Reps: 20
Reps: Hold for 20-60 seconds
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