28-Days-to-Lean Meal Plan
With the right plan and the right discipline, you can get seriously shredded in just 28 days.
Read articleWith the right plan and the right discipline, you can get seriously shredded in just 28 days.
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Read articleCamille Leblanc-Bazinet—who won Reebok’s CrossFit Games and was crowned the Fittest Woman on Earth in 2014—shows you exactly how to get in the best shape of your life with some of her favorite CrossFit moves.
From snatches to handstand pushups, try them today and see how powerful you can feel!
Camille Leblanc-Bazinet’s 7 Go-to CrossFit Exercises
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Dustin Snipes
Stand with feet hip-width apart, holding barbell wide with a hook grip (overhand, thumb wrapped around bar, grasping both thumb and bar).With back flat, core tight, chest up, and weight on balls of feet, straighten knees and lift bar, initiating move from hips. When bar is midthigh, pull bar into body and jump, extending hips, knees, and ankles
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Dustin Snipes
With a big shoulder shrug, bring arms overhead while pulling yourself under to catch weight. Receive bar in overhead squat, arms locked.Drive through heels to return to standing, knees and hips fully locked out.Tip: Make sure the move is one continuous pull from the ground to overhead; speed under bar is key. Note for newbies: Try a one-arm dumbbell snatch with a moderate weight before progressing to the barbelll.
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Dustin Snipes
Dead hang from the rings with elbows fully locked out. To initiate move, lean back and drive hips up (aka kipping your body) toward rings, until hips and legs are parallel to floor and hands are about level with navel. Keep hands close together and elbows in tight.Keeping rings as close to body as possible, drive elbows back, bending them 90 degrees, until body is positioned into the bottom of a ring dip, with legs forward.Straighten arms to lock out your elbows, lowering legs toward floor to complete the rep.Reverse the movement, bending elbows and swinging legs forward, then drop back down with arms extended and legs and hips swinging back behind you to get ready for your next rep.Tip: Focus on folding your body into a V and aggressively opening your hips to drive toward the rings. Note for newbies: Using a false grip on the rings (which places your wrist above the ring rather than below it) can help you get the mechanics down. Bring your wrist onto the ring, flexing hand toward your wrist so it’s bent, not locked. Doing a jumping muscle-up can also help.
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Dustin Snipes
Stand with feet hip-width apart, bending forward from hips and bending knees, with your hands outside your legs and bar lightly touching middle of shins. Keep shoulders slightly in front of the bar, back naturally arched and abs tight, with head in a neutral position.Drive through your heels as you stand up, keeping the bar in contact with your legs; maintain a strong lumbar curve.Finish the rep with hips and knees fully locked out and chest open.
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Dustin Snipes
Begin next to a wall with top of head touching the floor and hands slightly outside shoulders, palms down; or get in position over two dip bars placed side by side. Lift feet off floor, placing your heels on wall. Straighten arms and lift head, locking elbows; keep body straight.Bend elbows forward until head touches the target, then press up by extending your arm while keeping a hollow position. Press back up, extending arms and locking out elbows.
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Dustin Snipes
Stand in front of a squat rack with feet wider than hip width and toes slightly pointed out. Position yourself so barbell is just behind the neck, resting on or across the trapezius muscles.Grip the bar with elbows pulled in tight and pointed down. Set hips underneath shoulders. Make sure core is tight and stays so throughout the entire lift.To initiate movement, send your hips back and down while maintaining a good lumbar curve, with knees tracking over the toes. Descend until the hips are just below the knees.Pushing through your heels, drive your knees out and rise back to start, locking knees and hips at the top.Tip: Taking a deep breath and tightening your core before you descend will create a “belly belt” and help keep your back in a safe position throughout the move.
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Dustin Snipes
Jump into a dead hang from the bar, with hands in an overhand grip outside your shoulders. Keep arms and elbows locked out.Keeping the shoulders closed, elbows in, back flat, and legs straight, swing legs back and lift them until your toes touch the pullup bar, initiating the move with your core. Slowly return legs to start.Tip: Do not use momentum—allow your core muscles to control your legs.Note for newbies: Try a hanging knee raise on a pullup bar before progressing to this move.
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Dustin Snipes
Stand with feet hip-width apart. Grasp barbell on the floor in a hook grip, hands just outside shins, and shoulders at or just over the bar. Bend knees, keeping back flat, abs tight, chest up, and body weight over balls of your feet.Pushing through your heels, straighten legs as you lift the bar, allowing hips and shoulders to rise at the same rate.When barbell is midthigh, pull weight toward your body and jump up, extending hips, knees, and ankles (triple extension).Tip: Start with your big knuckles on top of the bar for a stronger grip.
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Dustin Snipes
With a big shrug of the shoulders, bring elbows high and outside the bar, then back around while pulling yourself under the bar. Drop into a low quarter front squat, or just pulse knees (as shown), to receive the weight.Drive through the heels to return to standing position. The clean is completed when the knees and hips are fully locked out at the topTip: Use one continuous pull from the floor to your shoulders. The power from this lift is initiated from your hips. Note for Newbies: Try a dumbbell clean & press before progressing to the barbell.
Stand with feet hip-width apart, holding barbell wide with a hook grip (overhand, thumb wrapped around bar, grasping both thumb and bar).
With back flat, core tight, chest up, and weight on balls of feet, straighten knees and lift bar, initiating move from hips. When bar is midthigh, pull bar into body and jump, extending hips, knees, and ankles
With a big shoulder shrug, bring arms overhead while pulling yourself under to catch weight. Receive bar in overhead squat, arms locked.
Drive through heels to return to standing, knees and hips fully locked out.
Tip: Make sure the move is one continuous pull from the ground to overhead; speed under bar is key.
Note for newbies: Try a one-arm dumbbell snatch with a moderate weight before progressing to the barbelll.
Dead hang from the rings with elbows fully locked out. To initiate move, lean back and drive hips up (aka kipping your body) toward rings, until hips and legs are parallel to floor and hands are about level with navel. Keep hands close together and elbows in tight.
Keeping rings as close to body as possible, drive elbows back, bending them 90 degrees, until body is positioned into the bottom of a ring dip, with legs forward.
Straighten arms to lock out your elbows, lowering legs toward floor to complete the rep.
Reverse the movement, bending elbows and swinging legs forward, then drop back down with arms extended and legs and hips swinging back behind you to get ready for your next rep.
Tip: Focus on folding your body into a V and aggressively opening your hips to drive toward the rings.
Note for newbies: Using a false grip on the rings (which places your wrist above the ring rather than below it) can help you get the mechanics down. Bring your wrist onto the ring, flexing hand toward your wrist so it’s bent, not locked. Doing a jumping muscle-up can also help.
Stand with feet hip-width apart, bending forward from hips and bending knees, with your hands outside your legs and bar lightly touching middle of shins. Keep shoulders slightly in front of the bar, back naturally arched and abs tight, with head in a neutral position.
Drive through your heels as you stand up, keeping the bar in contact with your legs; maintain a strong lumbar curve.
Finish the rep with hips and knees fully locked out and chest open.
Begin next to a wall with top of head touching the floor and hands slightly outside shoulders, palms down; or get in position over two dip bars placed side by side. Lift feet off floor, placing your heels on wall. Straighten arms and lift head, locking elbows; keep body straight.
Bend elbows forward until head touches the target, then press up by extending your arm while keeping a hollow position. Press back up, extending arms and locking out elbows.
Stand in front of a squat rack with feet wider than hip width and toes slightly pointed out. Position yourself so barbell is just behind the neck, resting on or across the trapezius muscles.
Grip the bar with elbows pulled in tight and pointed down. Set hips underneath shoulders. Make sure core is tight and stays so throughout the entire lift.
To initiate movement, send your hips back and down while maintaining a good lumbar curve, with knees tracking over the toes. Descend until the hips are just below the knees.
Pushing through your heels, drive your knees out and rise back to start, locking knees and hips at the top.
Tip: Taking a deep breath and tightening your core before you descend will create a “belly belt” and help keep your back in a safe position throughout the move.
Jump into a dead hang from the bar, with hands in an overhand grip outside your shoulders. Keep arms and elbows locked out.
Keeping the shoulders closed, elbows in, back flat, and legs straight, swing legs back and lift them until your toes touch the pullup bar, initiating the move with your core. Slowly return legs to start.
Tip: Do not use momentum—allow your core muscles to control your legs.
Note for newbies: Try a hanging knee raise on a pullup bar before progressing to this move.
Stand with feet hip-width apart. Grasp barbell on the floor in a hook grip, hands just outside shins, and shoulders at or just over the bar. Bend knees, keeping back flat, abs tight, chest up, and body weight over balls of your feet.
Pushing through your heels, straighten legs as you lift the bar, allowing hips and shoulders to rise at the same rate.
When barbell is midthigh, pull weight toward your body and jump up, extending hips, knees, and ankles (triple extension).
Tip: Start with your big knuckles on top of the bar for a stronger grip.
With a big shrug of the shoulders, bring elbows high and outside the bar, then back around while pulling yourself under the bar. Drop into a low quarter front squat, or just pulse knees (as shown), to receive the weight.
Drive through the heels to return to standing position. The clean is completed when the knees and hips are fully locked out at the top
Tip: Use one continuous pull from the floor to your shoulders. The power from this lift is initiated from your hips.
Note for Newbies: Try a dumbbell clean & press before progressing to the barbell.
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