28-Days-to-Lean Meal Plan
With the right plan and the right discipline, you can get seriously shredded in just 28 days.
Read articleWith the right plan and the right discipline, you can get seriously shredded in just 28 days.
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Swann De La Rosa is an IFBB figure pro originally from France. She made waves in 2013 when she placed second at the IFBB New York Pro and the Toronto Pro SuperShow. Swann and her husband, Jon De La Rosa, own Nutrition Locker, a sports supplement and vitamin retail store in New Rochelle, NY.Favorite Fat-burning Workout: Plyometric CircuitsPlyo Circuit 1Mummy Crawl (30 seconds)Jumping Lunge (15 reps for each leg)Crunch (30 reps)Repeat all 3 without rest for 3 cycles. Rest 2 minutes, then do Circuit 2.Plyo Circuit 2Plié Jump (15 reps)Pushup (15 reps)Lying Bicycle (30 seconds)Repeat all 3 without rest for 3 cycles. Rest 2 minutes, then do Circuit 3.Plyo Circuit 3Weight Bench Hop Overs (30 seconds)Hanging Leg Raise (15 reps)BOSU Ball High Knee Run (30 seconds)Repeat all 3 without rest for 3 cycles. Rest 2 minutes, then do Circuit 4.Plyo Circuit 4Pullup (to failure)Weight Bench Hop Overs (30 seconds)Mountain Climber (30 seconds)Repeat all 3 without rest for 3 cycles. Her Furnace Formula: De La Rosa lifts and does cardio (either steady, intervals, or a mix) six days a week. Her workouts consist of walking/sprinting outdoors or using the treadmill/StairMaster plus doing free weights and plyo circuits. She also always trains heavy. For body parts that she repeats twice a week, she does straight sets on the first day and either supersets or giant sets on the second day. “I am one of those people who cannot stay as lean as I’d like to be all year-round without doing cardio. Luckily, I enjoy it.” Most stubborn area to burn fat from: Upper bodyHer must-have MHP supps:Morning and Bedtime: Activite Sport multivitamin and BCAA 3300Pre-workout: No Bomb (stimulant-free!)Post-workout: Dark Matter Zero Carb ConcentrateProtein: Isofast
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Yeshaira Robles is an IFBB bikini pro who has been competing since 2010. She has won six pro championships, including the NY Pro (twice). She has a 6-year-old daughter and is married to IFBB pro Marco Rivera. Favorite Fat-burning Workout: Superset leg routineLeg Curl, 4×15, supersetted with 20 Pop SquatsLeg Extension, 4×15, supersetted with 20 wide Vertical JumpsLeg Press, 4×15, supersetted with 20 Narrow Vertical JumpsRun on treadmill for 20 minutes at 1% incline, 7.0 mphHer Furnace Formula: Robles works out 3–4 days a week and does both cardio and weights to stay lean. She doesn’t interchange them in the same workout but will work both on one day as needed.Most stubborn area to burn fat from: Glutes/hips Her must-have MHP supps:Pre-workout: FIT Trainer for muscle endurancePost-workout (before a show): Dark Matter Zero Carb ConcentrateSnack: Power Pak Pudding At bedtime: Probolic-SR. “This sustained-release protein helps to feed my muscles all night long.”
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Sarah Grace has a background in competitive boxing and women’s figure competition, which has prepared her well for CrossFit, her current competitive sport. She is a certified personal trainer and a CrossFit Level 1 coach. Favorite Fat-burning Workout: CrossFit Routine5 rounds (or sets for time) of the following, with no rest between each:15 Deadlifts at 135 pounds20 Box Jumps30 Jump Rope Double-unders (or 60 single rope jumps)Her Furnace Formula: CrossFit involves maximal efforts with intervals, as well as sustained energy over longer workout periods. This type of training allows her to access all of her different energy sources, and in turn has the greatest effect on her body. Most stubborn area to burn fat from: LegsHer must-have MHP supps:Protein: Paleo Protein. “The taste is amazing, it’s healthy, and it has no artificial sweeteners. I also don’t get any of the bloating feeling that I’ve gotten in the past from other
protein powders.”Pre-workout: FIT Trainer Post-workout: Dark Matter Zero Carb ConcentrateJoints: Omega StrongSnack: Fit & Lean Power Pak Pudding
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Dana Nicole Mauro qualified for nationals in her first show and is training for her next figure competition this spring. She co-owns Re/Max Real Estate, LTD, and is a wife and mother She is also the mother of two. Favorite Fat-Burning Workout: Total-Body Tone-upChest Press superset with Pullup*Barbell Shoulder Press triset with Biceps Curl and Dip*Squat superset with Deadlift*Hanging Leg Raise superset with Swiss Ball Crunch***3 sets of 10–15 reps**3 sets of 25 reps, or until failureHer Furnace Formula: Mauro trains six days a week, doing 30-40 minutes of cardio in the morning incorporating HIIT (high-intensity interval training) and lifting weights in the afternoon. One of her favorite HIIT routines is to do 15–20 sets of one of the following: Power sprint up a steep road or hill for one minute, followed by one minute of brisk walking; or power sprint on the beach for one minute, followed by one minute of jogging.Most stubborn area to burn fat from: Lower abs HER Must-have MHP supps:Weight loss: DREN to help control appetite and cravings.Pre-workout: Fit TrainerPost-workout: Dark Matter Zero Carb ConcentrateProtein: Probolic-SR
Swann De La Rosa is an IFBB figure pro originally from France. She made waves in 2013 when she placed second at the IFBB New York Pro and the Toronto Pro SuperShow. Swann and her husband, Jon De La Rosa, own Nutrition Locker, a sports supplement and vitamin retail store in New Rochelle, NY.
Favorite Fat-burning Workout: Plyometric Circuits
Plyo Circuit 1
Repeat all 3 without rest for 3 cycles. Rest 2 minutes, then do Circuit 2.
Plyo Circuit 2
Repeat all 3 without rest for 3 cycles. Rest 2 minutes, then do Circuit 3.
Plyo Circuit 3
Repeat all 3 without rest for 3 cycles. Rest 2 minutes, then do Circuit 4.
Plyo Circuit 4
Repeat all 3 without rest for 3 cycles.
Her Furnace Formula: De La Rosa lifts and does cardio (either steady, intervals, or a mix) six days a week. Her workouts consist of walking/sprinting outdoors or using the treadmill/StairMaster plus doing free weights and plyo circuits. She also always trains heavy. For body parts that she repeats twice a week, she does straight sets on the first day and either supersets or giant sets on the second day. “I am one of those people who cannot stay as lean as I’d like to be all year-round without doing cardio. Luckily, I enjoy it.”
Most stubborn area to burn fat from: Upper body
Her must-have MHP supps:
Morning and Bedtime: Activite Sport multivitamin and BCAA 3300
Pre-workout: No Bomb (stimulant-free!)
Post-workout: Dark Matter Zero Carb Concentrate
Protein: Isofast
Yeshaira Robles is an IFBB bikini pro who has been competing since 2010. She has won six pro championships, including the NY Pro (twice). She has a 6-year-old daughter and is married to IFBB pro Marco Rivera.
Favorite Fat-burning Workout: Superset leg routine
Her Furnace Formula: Robles works out 3–4 days a week and does both cardio and weights to stay lean. She doesn’t interchange them in the same workout but will work both on one day as needed.
Most stubborn area to burn fat from: Glutes/hips
Her must-have MHP supps:
Pre-workout: FIT Trainer for muscle endurance
Post-workout (before a show): Dark Matter Zero Carb Concentrate
Snack: Power Pak Pudding
At bedtime: Probolic-SR. “This sustained-release protein helps to feed my muscles all night long.”
Sarah Grace has a background in competitive boxing and women’s figure competition, which has prepared her well for CrossFit, her current competitive sport. She is a certified personal trainer and a CrossFit Level 1 coach.
Favorite Fat-burning Workout: CrossFit Routine
5 rounds (or sets for time) of the following, with no rest between each:
Her Furnace Formula: CrossFit involves maximal efforts with intervals, as well as sustained energy over longer workout periods. This type of training allows her to access all of her different energy sources, and in turn has the greatest effect on her body.
Most stubborn area to burn fat from: Legs
Her must-have MHP supps:
Protein: Paleo Protein. “The taste is amazing, it’s healthy, and it has no artificial sweeteners. I also don’t get any of the bloating feeling that I’ve gotten in the past from other
protein powders.”
Pre-workout: FIT Trainer
Post-workout: Dark Matter Zero Carb Concentrate
Joints: Omega Strong
Snack: Fit & Lean Power Pak Pudding
Dana Nicole Mauro qualified for nationals in her first show and is training for her next figure competition this spring. She co-owns Re/Max Real Estate, LTD, and is a wife and mother She is also the mother of two.
Favorite Fat-Burning Workout: Total-Body Tone-up
*3 sets of 10–15 reps
**3 sets of 25 reps, or until failure
Her Furnace Formula: Mauro trains six days a week, doing 30-40 minutes of cardio in the morning incorporating HIIT (high-intensity interval training) and lifting weights in the afternoon. One of her favorite HIIT routines is to do 15–20 sets of one of the following: Power sprint up a steep road or hill for one minute, followed by one minute of brisk walking; or power sprint on the beach for one minute, followed by one minute of jogging.
Most stubborn area to burn fat from: Lower abs
HER Must-have MHP supps:
Weight loss: DREN to help control appetite and cravings.
Pre-workout: Fit Trainer
Post-workout: Dark Matter Zero Carb Concentrate
Protein: Probolic-SR
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