28-Days-to-Lean Meal Plan
With the right plan and the right discipline, you can get seriously shredded in just 28 days.
Read articleBrooke Wells is just 22 years old, but the two-time CrossFit Games competitor and Team Cellucor athlete has already climbed to the top of the ranks in the sport.
After capping the 2016 Games with a sixth-place finish among the Fittest on Earth, Wells’ CrossFit success and huge social media following has made her an inspiration to many—but there’s more to her than meets the eye.
Here are seven things you probably didn’t know about her, along with some badass shots of Wells doing what she does best: killing it in the gym.
Check out Brooke Wells’ full Q&A, and catch her at the 2017 CrossFit Games from August 3-6. Follow her on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook for constant #fitspiration.
7 things you probably didn’t know about Brooke Wells
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